It brings a variety of feelings of excitement and so much joy to be finally able to let people know about what I do, where they can learn more about my service and what I offer.
I am also noticing a sense of fear to get out there and be seen and be judged for what I believe, for what I share and how I see and do things not always in a conventional way.
I am feeling a bit tender and open writing this because all that I have been brewing and gestating for a long time has come together and is being born into the world… new website, services and my offerings….
It had a long gestation period, there were fall backs and voids, uncertainties, many happy moments and synchronicities, so it is not possible to delay the birth anymore, it feels like the baby is ready, no matter if the mother is ready or not.
And this is where comes a huge sense of gratitude for those of you who were and are still supporting me and helping to make my vision come true and in doing all those things that I love…supporting women through all stages of their lives.
I thank my husband and kids who are so patient with me and supportive of what I do, I feel blessed.
To my friends who keep being here for me truly and fully, you know who you are!
I want to express my gratitude to all the teachers who had been sharing their knowledge and wisdom and I could have learned from them and sat by their feet over the time. You can see names of some on my website.
Thanking all those who are supporting my creative process to came into physical realm in all kinds of shapes and forms such as the logo, photography, website, etc… I would be stuck without your support…and because I see the only way forward in lifting each other up and supporting each other on our journeys, I am adding the list of your contacts below so others can contact you too.
I would love to thank all of you, women, babies and families, you’ve all been motivating and inspiring me to show up, to use the tools I have to support you where you are and how you are. I wouldn't be able to do it without you.
I thank all of you, who we were together in the past, who I support and care for in the present and those who are yet to come. Thanks to you I keep following the calling I have, thanks to you it all makes sense.
Here is to new beginning, sacred flows, life joy and magic….
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Of Sacred Life Flow
Instagram & Website:
Mary B Byrne
Jakub Hrabak